has passed on the Inspirational Blog Award to me. Thanks PJ!!
You haev to put it up on your blog.
You have to pass it on to deserving bloggers.
1. What makes you laugh, smile or giggle?
Good memories, Yashi's antics, funny English / Hindi, Stupid Bollywood jokes make me laugh.
2.What are your dreams for your future?
2-3 years ahead of now, I think I want to leave 9-5 work and do some freelancing, and spend time with Yashi. I am not sure if I will be able to do that, because I feel attached to my work as if it is my identity. However, I also realise that work cannot be me, I am me.. I also want to do something in Interior decoration, not for a profession, but for my own home.
3. If you are to go to a cruise, where would it be and why?
The whole world if that's possible.. I love to travel and I don't like being in one place for a very long time. My hubby thinks I am restless, but I think I don't like being tied down to one place. One place I want to go to is Alcatraz!!
4. How would you spend your vacation time and with whom?
I would like to spend a couple of days alone on vacation to be joined later by family... Sometimes I feel the need too forget who I am and spend time with nature- the vast expanse of the sea, the greens..
5. If given a chance, what life would you choose? Your life now or your past?
My life now, because I have little Yashi, who is the sunshine in my life!! My past is juicy ;) but my present is even more beautiful!
6. Is there something that you wished before when you were young but you didn’t get it?
Yes, so many of them. To be a lawyer, to never marry an engineer (which I eventually did!!), a better job.. I was really ambitious when I was younger.. things have changed now..
7. Have you been in a situation where you might have given up but still you chose to move on?
Yes, lots of times!! These times give you strength..
8. Is their someone in your life who has been your source of strength and inspiration?
My younger brother
I am nominating 10 bloggers for this award (It's a pity I cannot nominate all of them!)
- Amina
- Kaveri
- Deeksha
- Poonam
- Vaidehi
- Akhila
- Chitra
- Aruna
- Priti
- Prema
In case you guys have already been tagged, pass it on to other blogger friends!!